Free BANANO NFTs: cryptomonKeys Update #20: monKeymining Update and Outlook
May 11, 2021 • 6 min read
BANANO is a DAG-based cryptocurrency with easy-to-use apps, distributed entirely for free through airdrops, faucets, and games. All happening in a fun, community-driven, meme-rich, and educational atmosphere.
The BANANO community project cryptomonKeys is all about distributing NFTs/digital trading cards for free, and it has seen lots of positive feedback, growth and excitement within the community since it’s launched. Here’s another update by the cryptomonKeys team: A summary of the recent monKeymining cycle and a brief outlook.

Cycle 10 summary: monKeymining — Earn cryptomonKeys by Playing Alien Worlds
In January 2021, we announced monKeymining: Earn cryptomonKeys NFTs by playing the game AlienWorlds! This has led to lots of ongoing attention and excitement and loads of new users joining the community and we meanwhile sent over 25k cryptomonKeys NFTs to miners and stakers! Here’s an update including the cycle 10 mining and staking rewards that were sent out today!

monKeymining and monKeystaking Update
You can earn cryptomonKeys NFTs by playing the play-to-earn NFT-based game Alien Worlds. You currently can earn cryptomonKeys NFTs by mining or by staking, just by playing the game, on top of the regular in-game rewards!
Get cryptomonKeys bonus rewards on top of regular in-game rewards by mining on any of the lands specified below, or by staking TLM to Planet Neri. Rewards will be sent out regularly, roughly every 2 weeks. Summary graphic below, details and help getting started (and lots of helpful links) at

- If you have any questions, find all details here, and join our discord and ask in the channel #monkeymining for help. Lots of users are discussing there all the time.
monKeymining and monKeystaking Rewards Details
Note: The following details are unchanged from last cycle with the only exception that the commission for all monKeymining lands have been lowered to 9%. Updates and current status can always be found at
- We will pull mining data from the blockchain and take snapshots of stakers to Neri every 2 weeks. The more you mine during any cycle or stake at the time of snapshot, the higher your chances on cryptomonKeys NFTs, and the higher your chances on more rare cryptomoneys NFTs. Rewards will then be sent out shortly after.
- Everyone who mines at least once has a chance on cryptomonKeys rewards. However the more you mine, the higher are your chances.
- The Top 423 ranked miners by total TLM mined in one cycle will have a 100% chance on cryptomonKeys NFT rewards. The further down the ranking goes, the lower are your chances. That means if you end up on rank 500 your chances are much better than if you end up on rank 5000, however in both cases you might get rewards.
- Similar for staking: The Top 199 ranked users staking TLM to Neri (ranking here) at the time of snapshot will have a 100% chance on cryptomonKeys NFT rewards. The further down the ranking goes, the lower are your chances. That means if you end up on rank 200 your chances are much better than if you finish with rank 400, however in both cases you might get rewards. Only the Top 500 stakers will have a chance on rewards.
- Mining rewards and staking rewards will be sent out roughly every 2 weeks after a monKeymining cycle has ended. Once there’s a feature for random customized in-game NFT drops this will likely change and be automized.

Reward Summary cycle #10
monKeymining Reward summary
Rewards were sent out for all mining events happening on specified cryptomonKeys lands from April 18, 2021 (19:19 UTC) to May 2, 2021 (19:19 UTC). A total of 27173 different users mined a total of 159k TLM during this timeframe. Rewards sent as follows:
- Rare Low Mint cryptomonKey: Top 3 miners
- Rare cryptomonKey: Miners placed 4–19 + 31 random
- Uncommon cryptomonKeys: 100 random
- Common cryptomonKeys: 900 random
- Note: All Miners placed in the Top 423 had a 100% chance on a rare, uncommon or common cryptomonKey. All other miners had a chance on a rare, uncommon or common cryptomonKey as well, while higher rankings had higher chances, respectively.
- A little surprise: ~200 NFT stickers from our friends from MetaForce were dropped randomly to monKeyminers as bonus reward this round!

monKeystaking rewards summary
For this cycle, the snapshot of TLM stakers to Neri (=NER holders) was taken on May 4, 2021 (21:00 UTC). We sent out guaranteed cryptomonKeys NFTs rewards to all users ranked within the Top 199 (current staking rankings can always be found here). Everyone in the Top 500 had also chances on bonus cryptomonKeys NFTs. Rewards sent:
- Rare low mint cryptomonKey: Top 3 stakers
- Rare cryptomonKey: Stakers ranked 4–19 + 31 random
- Uncommon cryptomonKeys: 100 random
- Common cryptomonKeys: 200 random
- Note: All stakers ranked in the Top 199 had a 100% chance on a rare, uncommon or common cryptomonKey. All other miners had a chance on a rare, uncommon or common cryptomonKey as well, while higher rankings had higher chances, respectively.
If you want to look up exact rankings, e.g. to check your position, you’ll find a link within the Rewards summaries section here. Make sure you have joined our discord server to access that data.

Cycle Summary
crytptomonKeys sent out for mining: 1050
cryptomonKeys sent out for staking: 350
TOTAL sent: 1400 cryptomonKeys
Note: Generally more cryptomonKeys were sent out to miners than to stakers, simply because we have way more miners than qualifying stakers. Rewards generally while be reduced over time, the reason simply being the rapid increase of participating users competing for relatively rare cryptomonKeys assets. We simply can’t distribute the majority of cryptomonKeys through Alien Worlds. We instead aim to reward specifically loyal miners and stakers with exclusive NFTs in the future. All data from cycle 1 on will be taken into account for those.
Since we started in January, a total of 25195 cryptomonKeys sent out for monKeymining and staking:

All updated details, help getting started and lots of info and links always at
It’s great to see so many ideas and suggestions coming from the community. We love giving away free NFTs and gamify events and ways how to get them. Please don’t forget that organizing this and especially developing new ways for free NFT distribution takes some time. We plan to have multiple new ways to give out cryptomonKeys in even more apps and through dedicated events, and also to further connect cryptomonKeys and BANANO even closer and with more utility. Simply stay tuned and make sure to join our Discord server to stay updated. Once you joined there, you’ll find a welcoming and fun community and also several other ways to earn cryptomonKeys (and BANANO!) for free in the channel #how-to-freebies. It’s still the early days for NFTs, and we hope you’re as excited as we are ❤
Any mention of a third party platform, product, service or website in this article does not imply an endorsement by the BANANO core team. All information is provided to the author’s best knowledge at the time of writing, will likely not be updated and thus might be outdated when this article is read in the future. CryptomonKeys is a community project created by two BANANO core team members, SoggyApplePie and bantano. CryptomonKeys is building on the BANANO MonKey concept (visual account representatives) created and developed by Yekta and bbedward from the BANANO core team. This article was written by bantano with lots of help from SoggyApplePie and Vyryn.
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